Highest Rated Comments

pixelperfect3207 karma

Why not actually become Skip Marooch? Start making those fancy burgers

pixelperfect386 karma

You advocate in your book that congressmen should be paid much more than what they are right now (about $175,000/year). How much do you think they should be paid to make them lose the incentive to become a lobbyist? Does 250-300k sound better?

pixelperfect315 karma

I remember reading that in your book. I think they should be definitely paid more, but $1m sounds too much. Don't you think other factors could be at play in Singapore?

But yes if we pay them $1m/year, I'm sure we'd get a LOT more people running for congress, and subsequently a lot more people paying attention to politics and how things run.

pixelperfect315 karma

The Propellerheads

pixelperfect315 karma

Fuck Mark Pincus and Zynga. Just disrespectful. No wonder they are sinking