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plane_snake117 karma

I know there’s a lot of interest in terms of outdoor/wilderness survival, but I’m curious what your thoughts are on surviving urban situations such as an earthquake, a fire, or even as a hostage or during a terrorist incident (shooting, bomb, etc.). Is it better to stay put or to make a run for it, etc.?

plane_snake2 karma

What are your thoughts on Fantasia by Disney, which is basically the artists’ visual projections of music compositions?

Is this something that you can ‘fix’ by, let’s say, watching some Bob Ross programs? He has a mental image which then translates masterfully to a canvass. I wonder if painting would help you somehow.

plane_snake1 karma

I travel a lot in Asia for work, and several times I receive unsolicited messages, mostly via WeChat, for sex and “massages”. I’ve always wondered what could regular folks do to help the cause. It saddens me to see what I believe is human trafficking happening more and more, and in many countries. What do you suggest?