Highest Rated Comments

plusoneforautism169 karma

Ughh... this is pretty quickly becoming r/AMADisasters material.

plusoneforautism6 karma

In which other conflict outside of Syria did you serve? Where were the other 9 confirmed people from?

plusoneforautism1 karma

I've heard a lot of people say that colonialism was just as bad as the German or Japanese occupation during World War 2, pointing as the crimes that Dutch soldiers committed in Indonesia ( http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2016/01/84093-2/ ) and the way how natives from British colonies were (alledgedly?) treated like lesser people than those living in the United Kingdom itself.

So as someone who lived through both, how do you feel about colonialism compared to the occupation by Japan? Was it really as bad? What do you feel was the differences between those two?

plusoneforautism-2 karma

Do they have everything? You know, for if you want to enjoy yourself?