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poopstainmcgoo160 karma

Recently, former marines Craig Schinkell and Lyle Chipperson have come out and spoken of being ordered away from battle zones in Iraq to ensure that oil pipelines are being protected. Do you feel that the US went into Iraq for the sole purpose of oil, or something?

poopstainmcgoo91 karma

How difficult was it this morning to try & speak without David Lee Roth barreling over the conversation?

poopstainmcgoo32 karma

Is it difficult to try & explain characters like Chip, Edgar, Uncle Paul, etc. to fans of yours who don't listen to Opie & Anthony?

poopstainmcgoo16 karma

You've had a few celebrities be rude and/or refuse to take a picture with you. Are there any that stand out that you especially hate?

poopstainmcgoo11 karma

I saw a sign from an old WWF clip that a fan had that said "Demolition Will Topple The Twin Towers", do you think Vince McMahon is part of the illuminati and if so did he mind control Chris Benoit into killing his family?