Highest Rated Comments

powerliftertobe2 karma

Not necessarily. I had mine taken out July 2018 and have had no side effects whatsoever. If anything, I can eat MORE fried/oily foods.

Unfortunately, I have gained some weight as a result.

powerliftertobe1 karma

Thank you. Glad to know that this is actively being discussed right now. It hurts us to close down shops for the sake of life. Stay safe out there.

powerliftertobe1 karma

Hi, thanks for doing this. I live in Southern California and am a commercial small retail strip center landlord. Our tenants are now beginning to reach out seeking rent relief alternatives. Furthermore, we also own a small chain of mom and pop restaurants that had to shut down and the landlords for those properties flat out denied rent relief. Basically, with property tax being due 4/10, we have little to no liquidity to offer our own commercial tenants rent relief. And our commercial mortgage lenders have not been much help. If our lenders are able to grant us a 60-120 day forbearance, we would most definitely extend this to our tenants.

In regards to SB 939, have you considered working with commercial lenders offering mortgage payment relief? You guys have made great progress on the residential side.
