Highest Rated Comments

profound_whatever2933 karma

Hello, Joe! You seem to have great taste in music, and I need some tunes, so pop quiz – What songs would you choose as the soundtrack if you were:

  • Destroying a house with a sledgehammer?

  • Having awesome slow-motion sex?

  • Drifting through post-apocalyptic Los Angeles in a Mustang?

  • Taking the first bite of your favorite meal?

  • Being chased by monsters through the night?

  • Tasked with saving the world through the power of music?

profound_whatever12 karma


profound_whatever11 karma

I need some new music, so pop quiz – What songs would you choose as the soundtrack if you were:

  • Destroying a house with a sledgehammer?

  • Having awesome slow-motion sex?

  • Drifting through post-apocalyptic Los Angeles in a Mustang?

profound_whatever3 karma

Hello, Sam! Loved the pilot, looking forward to seeing where it all goes. My question is unrelated to anything; I need some new tunes, so I'm asking anyone I can. What songs would you choose as the soundtrack if you were:

  • Having a clandestine meeting on a Ferris wheel?

  • Being pursued on the subway by shadowy assailants?

  • Saving the day through the power of hacking?

  • Seducing Angela and getting her to love you, like she GODDAMN BETTER.

profound_whatever2 karma

Hi Bill! If you were tasked with saving the world through the power of music, what song would you choose? (Rock the Casbah is a given)