Highest Rated Comments

publiclyownedmemes30 karma

You’re rightfully getting dunked on in this AMA because you’re answering complex questions with two short sentences at a 7th grade reading level. This question could literally be a thesis topic. I’m not saying give us a wall of text, but answering this way makes you seem like you‘re just here to promote your show and don’t really give a shit about social justice

publiclyownedmemes13 karma

Any reasonable observer would have had the same change of heart regarding Liz Warren just by observing her actions/inactions of the last 6-12 months

publiclyownedmemes3 karma

Hi Nathan- What sorts of traditionally social democratic policies could you see Trump and the republicans getting behind in the wake of this pandemic and subsequent depression?

I’ve been thinking it would be really funny if they get behind some sort of universal healthcare or jobs program, even if temporarily, just to spite Biden, Pelosi, and The Libs. It would also ensure a GOP sweep up and down the ballot

Love your work