Highest Rated Comments

punningpundit8 karma

To what extent does Kamala Khan have the faith of her parents vs having the traditions of her parents?
Along those lines: how does she (or many of the Marvel heroes!) reconcile a faith in the divine with her own ability to do things that are miraculous?

punningpundit3 karma

These are the only questions that matter.

punningpundit3 karma

That all makes sense. Thank you!

punningpundit2 karma

How different is comics writing from other writing? What skills directly transfer, and what skills are unique to comics?

punningpundit1 karma

I've been describing Xcom as "Agents of Shield" since 2012. Now you seem to have fully embraced the concept. Was this a conscious decision, or just a series of "this would be badass" choices?