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putkaaa13 karma

What's your thoughts on meditation as a treatment for anxiety and depression?

putkaaa9 karma

How much of anxiety and depression do you think is associated with nature and how much with nurture?

putkaaa2 karma

Do you think that's possible for people very high in the personality trait neuroticism to somehow transform themselves in someway that greatly reduces their negative emotions, increases optimists and put them in a states of mind that don't allow for unnecessary suffering? I.e. can a Neurotic lower his level of neuroticism and become an emotionally stable person? If so, what would be good strategies to accomplish this?

putkaaa2 karma

When I was a kid I loved video games, nowadays when I am playing I feel that I could be getting the same satisfaction but with a lot more meaning and self development through work, sports and relationships. Though I really think that having played a lot of games when I was a kid (not only videogames but things like lego) helped to cultivate a lot of great qualities like playfulness, curiosity and creative problem-solving, nowadays it seems a very ineffective and unrewarding way spending my time and learning skills. Do you think that my experience reflects what you observed in your clinical practice? That doing childhood when meaning is not that relevant games are a lot more rewarding and playing can be very beneficial but as we grow older this scenario change?