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raendrop84 karma

Gender and sexual orientation are completely orthogonal to each other.

Gender identity is who you are. Sexual orientation is who you are attracted to.

Transgender means the gender you are is not the same as the gender people assumed you were when you were born.

raendrop73 karma

So body doubles are for non-stunt work, such as being the one under heavy makeup and prosthetics if the main actor is allergic to it? What else do non-stunt body doubles do?

raendrop39 karma

She is no longer employed by reddit. There's nothing stopping her from still being a redditor.

raendrop36 karma

I have a friend who has DMD. He's 30 years old, and his passions are computer programming and music.

What kinds of things do you like to learn about and do for fun?

raendrop31 karma

Actually, Japanese has neither R nor L. What for convenience in the Roman alphabet is spelled R is really a flap. In many dialects of American English, you can find the flap in words like "water." But just as, in English, the T sound can be rendered as T (step), flap (water) or glottal stop (kitten), in Japanese the flap can be rendered as flap, something similar to R, and something similar to L.