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rand0mguy1492 karma

Do you actually befriended them as in you became friends, or did you just meet them, had some kind of conversation, and you managed to not kill each other?

rand0mguy15 karma

Mechwarrior was one of my favorite game franchises, and the whole concept of piloting a mech is unbelievably cool. Why would you give this franchise up and let it die. Is there any chance of mechs coming back?

rand0mguy14 karma

Whats the fastest u ever seen someone go on the autobahn? Also are you allowed to race on it?

rand0mguy12 karma

Yeah, the video they made like 3 years ago looked great, but this new game is nothing like that. Seems like a typical online game with no story mode. I loved the mechwarrior story/universe.

rand0mguy12 karma

If AQ took over a city, did they take over the power station too? Where do they get the electricity from?

Are you really muslim or was that just a cover to get into AQ base?

Did you call the US government and tell them that AQ commander is in the area when you met him in prison, or that al qusa guy? If you didn't dont you feel its your duty to do so?