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randomlurker82292 karma

Sort by best and you can see what comments are most up voted. Those are likely the most popular questions you could answer! Hope this helps.

randomlurker8273 karma

there are a lot of people who use the power of the group as the "higher power", myself included...thanks for mentioning.

randomlurker828 karma

I work in a Housing First style housing program. I can't say enough for how important they are-there is no way to "pull yourself up" when you literally have no idea where you're going to sleep. It's cheaper than running transitional living programs and shelters but GOD FORBID we should just give housing away, it's "not fair to the people who have to work for a living and wish THEY could get free rent for being irresponsible."

Yeah, just think-all you have to do is suffer years of trauma, maybe with your children in tow, to get that awesome free apartment.

randomlurker826 karma

I can't tell you how much more enjoyable FB is for me when I don't have to read about the NRA, the Superbowl, and the myriad of other nonsense I was subjected to before. My question: Are you in need of someone to have your baby????

randomlurker825 karma

this is good advice, but FYI AA/NA vary by area. My area has an assload more NA, but I do have to be more careful about my meeting choices cuz some meetings just piss me off to be honest.