Highest Rated Comments

rultied2 karma

Enjoyed the segment - never seen the show before.

How did you get onto the show? Especially it being the first episode... did they come to you looking for contestants?

rultied2 karma

No! I'm late!

I gotta know: Was this you?!


Loved that album in high school! I originally got it from 8bitpeoples dot com. My buddies and I got so much chip music from that site.

rultied1 karma

Do you still have the application video? I love stuff like that!

rultied1 karma

Ahhh, gotcha. Love both of your guys' stuff!

Edit: Got a link to the collaboration?!

rultied1 karma

I remember a news story of you donating a bunch of money to a local police dept. What was the genesis of the idea to donate? Was it unsolicited?