Highest Rated Comments

runalovegood442 karma

"I don't watch vlogbrothers, I AM vlogbrothers"

runalovegood77 karma

Also, friendly reminder to everyone posting here to go check out r/nerdfighters!

runalovegood9 karma

Hi. I also have 12 fingers, and I'm really shocked/kinda jealous that people have been generally nice to you. I was bullied on pretty much a daily basis in school growing up, and was (and still kind of am) a social pariah because of that. I'm really curious about the kind of environment you grew up in, I guess? Did you go to a small or a large school system growing up?

I've never met anyone else with 12 fingers (other than immediate family), have you?

runalovegood2 karma

Obviously not Hank, but job postings for SciShow,etc. are located here

runalovegood2 karma

Sexplanations is my favorite educational project they've done. Lindsey just has a wonderful personality for the project.