Highest Rated Comments

samoajoe22613 karma

If they pay attention to the science

So "no" then.

samoajoe224 karma

Did they check for any kind of performance enhancing drugs? I'm pretty good at Wheel when I watch at home, but I feel like I'd absolutely dominate their shit if I took a bunch of Adderall first.

samoajoe22 karma

Hi Scott,

I was a huge, huge fan of Kids in the Hall growing up. There would always be like two hours of re-runs on right after school, and I always rushed home to watch. Something I have always wondered should I get to talk to one of you: can you take us through what an average day in your writers room was like?

samoajoe22 karma

Okay I see. Thanks for the reply

samoajoe21 karma

Dr. Kaku,

Thank you very much for doing this AMA.

Of all the things you've done on television, I'm most thankful for your comparison of multiverse theory to a bubble bath. It just resonated with me for some reason, and really got me interested in thinking about physics (and I am a decidedly non-academic person).

So my question to you is this, and be foreworned, it's a little philosophical in nature: if we do in fact live in a multiverse, and it happens to be one of the nine types theorized by Brian Greene, what role does human consciousness have in the existence of such universes? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the idea that there could be more than one "me" (or even infinite mes). If our personalities and memories etc. are just the result of experiences and brain synapses, then are those beings really us at all?