Highest Rated Comments

sandpatch475 karma

What is your strongest memory from the war?

sandpatch8 karma

How long did she live? Have you ever been scared that she would kill you?

sandpatch3 karma

This is very interesting because the transportation community thinks the exact opposite. For example, a pilot usually does nothing without a checklist, even during emergencies. Also for each phase of the flight (preflight, engine start, taxi...) there is a separate checklist that pilots look at even if they fly 6 times a day. Some companies even force them to check each checklist twice. I agree that it can be in the way sometimes but how about a "checklist nurse"? That might be a big help.

Sometimes I think that checklist aren't used because a patient dying isn't that unusual so it doesn't cause seem that much of a crime. If a single passengers dies during a plane crash then all hell breaks loose. Also checklist are rarely used so implementing them would just seem weird for many older surgeons who are used going without. Maybe it might even seem degrading to be second guessed by a piece of paper.

Am i thinking in a wrong way?

(gotta sleep now) Thank you again for the great answers, Looking forward for your answer

sandpatch3 karma

Got some new questions:

  • Do you use checklist(s) when you do a surgery? I do not know what you do exactly but I can imagine that it is quite similar from operation to operation. A checklist would make things safer (or not). What do you think? The reason I ask is because I read here in Norway there was an article that x amount of lives could have been saved if doctors had followed checklists.

  • Has ever an accident happened that could have been avoided using a checklist?

sandpatch3 karma

Thanks for the elaborate answer :)

EDIT: Moved