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seahawks208 karma

Could you be so kind as to explain the pros and/or cons between the former traditional educational model and the rising popularity of "common core"? I want to ride they hype train as it sounds like people love it but gosh darned if my ignorance just makes it look LONGER to do. Thank you!

seahawks9 karma

There is a group of doctors in the Netherlands who have done numerous studies on this condition. Their studies are considered the top research on this subject. Here's a page of research on the subject. Sandra Leiblum is considered the foremost in research on the subject. Perhaps you've seen all of this. Just thought you(and others) might enjoy checking it out. It also serves as resource and list for/of doctors around the world who treat the disorder.

I am typing for a close friend of mine who happens to have this same condition. She found this webpage, before being diagnosed, and showed it to here doctor. She says her doctor, here in the states at the Mayo clinic, viewed the website and confirmed its validity and that the doctors on this site are at the top of their field (I am trying to keep up!).

Another possible indicator of the situation, and this is a little out there...some therapists are saying its related to your shakra, specifically your "root" shakra, which is located in your pelvis. Stress and nerves can possibly be the leading cause of the problem.

Here's the BIG question- Have you found some things to help alleviate symptoms?

If YOU have any questions from my friend, as she understands your frustrations, feel free to ask now for a while. She's here and staying over for the night!

seahawks3 karma

Seriously grateful for your thoughts and time. Could you possibly address the quickly rising Terry Crews issue. Particularly your opinion on what his line of thinking is vs. the folks calling him out, and your own personal take on the issue?

seahawks1 karma

PM me your email or any other contact info you feel comfortable with and I can give it to her. You guys can then speak about this subject without me as a mediator...she's not a redditor. It was really just "lucky" that she happened to be here talking with my wife while I browsed reddit. She's more than happy to talk with someone about this rare disorder as well!

seahawks1 karma

Not me! :). Just writing for someone else. I am nit chakra saavy..