Highest Rated Comments

seaseme329 karma

As one of the co-founders of the project this is a real refreshing thing to hear. Maybe you could support us a bit more someday!

Ps. We're sorry about all the hate you got. I seriously cannot wait for PS2!

Rock on.

seaseme107 karma

For everyone who isn’t “good at math” and have read this answer and written off the industry as a possibility, don’t.

Yes, Math helps - i was fucking terrible at math, but it turns out most of what I learned in school, I retained fragments of, and the stuff I wasn’t good at has been made much more obvious by having my hands in the code. You figure things out. You don’t have to be a statistician math genius, you just have to enjoy solving problems, the math comes as a result of this.

don’t give up because people tell you that you have to be a math wizard in order to be relevant. I wish I had realized this earlier. I always had people negging me about math grades that truly don’t fucking matter. It’s about the ability to problem solve, not your ability to recite obscure formulas. What is important is that you know where to find that formula, and have the drive to figure out how to apply that knowledge when the time comes.

And, if you don’t have that knowledge you know how to use wolframalpha to gain it. That’s it.

Don’t quit, math makes way more sense when you’re balls deep in a problem and not sitting in a sterile room with no technology allowed and people telling you that it’s bad to stand on other peoples knowledge to solve a problem.

seaseme21 karma

Bingo. In context, you can figure out most things. Who cares if sitting in a classroom with a teacher who couldn’t explain why anything mattered and taught you that “you’re dumb” or “just not good at math”.

It doesn’t matter. Most people in my world have just figured it out. Know why? because as an engineer you’re literally inventing things each and every day. It’s not a regurgitation of what exists, it’s looking forward and figuring out what COULD exist and then doing it.

In some ways, sucking at math has been an advantage in my career because I have figured out some clever ways of building.

seaseme10 karma

Hi Robert!

What was your inspiration for for working so hard on this project for so long? I've been following littlelostpoly for years now. Your determination to finish this project has been inspiring, to say the least.

What do you see yourself working on next?

Would you like to stay in the indie scene? Or go work at a studio again for a while and relax?

Can you see yourself working on another project with the same scope as Dear Esther again anytime soon?

seaseme10 karma

“doesn’t take long to do”

What are we talkin here?