Highest Rated Comments

shawbawzz17 karma

I'm calling bs on this. I do chemistry for drug discovery for my job and it is an incredibly difficult field to get into without a doctorate level degree, particularly organic synthesis. Definitely not something you can just pick up as a hobby or even attempt without some sort of formal training.

Your answers to some of the other questions are a bit concerning as well, there doesn't seem to be much scientific rigour in your process. Plus you are n of 1 so this tiny sample size means nothing in the grand scheme of things for whether these drugs are of any use to treat any type of illness let alone mental illness.

shawbawzz7 karma

You seem to misunderstand some things- I am not showing up to work high on drugs,

You said in one comment that you take these drugs daily and in another comment that you are addicted to them. From an employment perspective you are unreliable and unpredictable. I would definitely not want to work next to you.

the reality is the compounds that are made in house are strictly for R&D purposes

R and D is just research and development. All drugs begin their journey in R&D so that statement doesn't mean anything.

I am indeed making novel psychoactive compounds according to the pharmacological data we have received for things I have synthesized

What pharmacological data is that? You said these compounds aren't in vivo so how could you know? What is the desired outcome from this programme?

a context in which they can do in vivo testing

That's literally the context you are saying that you are part of. That is one of the steps of the drug discovery process. Why would you bother making the compounds if they aren't going to even be tested?

Things that I have consumed that are "classified" have come from other labs that have deemed me a reliable "tester" for novel compounds they produce

This is just rubbish, I'm sorry. Labs don't just send compounds they synthesise to random designated "testers". This is just absolute nonsense. It takes years for a drug to be approved for human clinical trials and there is no chance anything would be going into a person before multiple other species.

I fear for all the people reading this thread and believing everything you are saying because you are deluded.

shawbawzz6 karma

I apprenticed with the more senior chemists. i was carefully mentored in proecedures and methods for months and I am mostly independent now

Even people with doctorate level degrees have to do this for a period of about 3 years while they are learning, just like any other skilled job. I believe you could even learn to do the job competently in this way but it would take several years (5+) with no prior training before you'd be designing and making compounds independently and your timeline doesn't add up.

I have experience and insight

What experience do you have other than you've taken some drugs? The effects of the drugs are of no use in designing new and better drugs. Your responses are useful but only as part of a wider trial study not in isolation, they're meaningless in isolation. Especially when you say you write lots of your notes from memory. Memory is unreliable at the best of times let alone on a mind altering drug.

. This company uses the existing facilities connected to an instituttion for R&D, for which I work,

I don't doubt you work in this area in some capacity but I think you're exaggerating your role. First off, you freely admit to regularly taking mind altering substances, where I work you wouldn't get across the threshold of the lab on any of those types of drugs. In that unpredictable state you're a danger to yourself and others in a lab environment.

Secondly you openly admit to being addicted to these drugs and so there would be huge ethical question marks over your work on the synthesis of these drugs. From your personal safety point of view. If something happened then very many people up and down the organisation would be liable to lose their jobs or even face criminal proceedings as I assume they are aware, according to you even encouraging, of your use of these drugs.

shawbawzz3 karma

You do synthesis for drug discovery without any formal chemistry training?

shawbawzz2 karma

Not to mention drug discovery is an incredibly expensive process so why would you hire an amateur to do it? There will be hundreds of applicants for this role if this professor is as renown as the person suggests