Highest Rated Comments

shempmalone36 karma

Which VPNs? It seems like many of the major ones are data mining operations or show clear signs of penetration by intelligence agencies.

shempmalone13 karma

You realize that when you use the phrase "common sense..." as a premise you immediately foreclose the possibility of reasonable discourse with people who do not hold your views because by your definition they lack "common sense"?

shempmalone13 karma

I took a tour of a coffee farm in Kona a while ago. It was great. While there, I ate a ripe coffee cherry off the tree. It was delicious! Why isn't the meat of the cherry used for anything?

shempmalone12 karma

Brilliant way to do an AMA - turn the tables on us! Still punk rock.

shempmalone7 karma

A friend of mine cleaned hotel rooms when she was a kid and they were trained to do the same thing. Not only the same rag that they cleaned everything else with, but wearing the same gloves that were used when cleaning the toilets. Standard procedure at most hotels.