Highest Rated Comments

showersareevil26 karma

You can keep voting for progressive candidates that support healthcare as a basic human right, not as a privilege. You could also see if your employer offers a program like "Health Advocate" that will take a second look at all of your bills, insurance information, and will do their best to negotiate a better deal for you with a lower out of pocket payment.

I've spent half of my life in Finland where healthcare coss $4k per capita per year and the other half in USA where it currently costs over $10k a year per capita. The differences of the healthcare systems is more of a symptom of the attitudes that the public shares instead of being an isolated problem. Generally speaking, the Finns don't mind paying higher taxes because they get a great social safety net, "free" healthcare, "free" college for their kids, 3rd least corrupt government in the world, and knowing that everyone is contributing a fair share to take care of the less fortunate.

In USA we have the mindset that you can accomplish anything you put your mind into if you try hard enough, and no one else but you should benefit from the fruits of your labor. In the same way that they used to blame women for getting sexually assaulted, they blame people who aren't financially secure for being lazy and not ambitious. Many poor people believe these lies too and ironically support the groups that don't have their best interests in mind.

Sorry for the ramble but I feel your pain and can't believe that this country is still making people choose between financial ruin and health.

showersareevil12 karma

Usually when I hear ideas like this that will benefit the environment or help clean up the beaches, they sound great initially, but I highly doubt that they can be sustainable for a long period of time.

However, your project sounds awesome! The businesses have an incentive to encourage their customers to clean up the beaches to get people back in their business, and people have another incentive to clean up the beach.

That said, do any people from putting their own trash in the jars and getting the discount?

Are there any other organizations that have similar goals to yours but have failed? How are you doing things differently from them?

Thanks for making the world a better place my man!

showersareevil8 karma

Can you guys do a mini sitcom series where you live inside a blueberry muffin?

showersareevil3 karma

Do you ever just play music for fun without any other goals or without recording it? What style music do you like to play to yourself?

showersareevil2 karma

Thank you! I will defenitely check this out!