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silviazbitch76 karma

The video you linked is delightful. Are all sixteen as friendly as JoeJoe?

silviazbitch16 karma

No, what you want are more spiders, because they eat mosquitoes— unless, of course, you’re arachnophobic or the spiders in your neighborhood are descendants of Aragog.

silviazbitch7 karma

If it’s not too late, could you elaborate or give an example of the sort of drama queen behavior you’re talking about?

silviazbitch2 karma

There used to be a cutlery shop in my city named Stengelen's. I always thought they should sponsor a sports team, Stengelen's Pangolins. Alas, they went out of business in 2011. They had a good run, though. They'd been around since 1898. I hope our scaly little friends fare better.