Highest Rated Comments

sirsparks13 karma

What led you to the bestowing the title "After Visiting Friends: A Son's Story" on your book? The description of the book seems much more fascinating than the title.

sirsparks13 karma

I saw that you wrote your book by waking up at 4:30 to write. Not only did you do this, you wrote the whole thing with pen and paper.

Do you think you've changed after this intense writing process?

sirsparks13 karma

I mean I like it, but if I was at the bookstore and I saw a book called After Visiting friends and I didn't know how awesome you were, I'd probably look for something else. (Although this is definitely judging a book by it's.... title)

don't get me wrong, I look forward to reading it. That excerpt was legit.

sirsparks12 karma

Hey I think GQ is an awesome magazine with some great stuff in there... but virtually everything is out of my price range with my grad school budget (which has enough for ramen and soap... with a tendency to skip the soap)

What do you recommend to do to get that GQ style when you're ballin' on a budget?

sirsparks12 karma

When you've died and your kids are telling their grand-kids about you, what would be the one-sentence legacy you'd want to leave?