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sonicyouthed30 karma

I watched that for fucking 2 hours when I was 12 praying that it was gonna turn into a porno.

sonicyouthed3 karma

How do you feel about the culturalfication, commercialization and (imo) gentrification of "independent" music through this current trend of hipsters? (and the subsequent hating on hipsters for being hipsters).

sonicyouthed1 karma

Sam Harris has been discussing the "illusion of free will" do you think he is correct in this theory and do you think this knowledge would become mainstream given that so much of our western Abrahamic culture is based on this notion of good vs evil.

sonicyouthed1 karma

The movement for marijuana legalization is well on its way. With that I worry that enthogens will be lumped in with crack and meth and face a near insurmountable task for legalization. How does your organization stand on having altered states of consciousness as a human right as opposed to just the legalization of cannibis?