Highest Rated Comments

sonny_boombatz60 karma

Win win for me. Tell your secrets

sonny_boombatz51 karma

Texas sized 10-4. Thank you for this information. How are you going to kill me

sonny_boombatz11 karma

I'm gonna have to ask you to take about 10% off the top of that there comment Squirrelly Dan.

sonny_boombatz5 karma

Is your product actually more environmentally friendly than meat? As in, are there any biproducts to producing this that are as harmful/worse than a farm when scaled up to industrial scale? This stuff is super interesting btw and I'm really interested in it

sonny_boombatz1 karma

I've seen a lot of jokes and memes about how a therapist will invent problems for a patient so they can "fix" them. Are these just dark injokes or is this how therapists/psychologists are actually taught how to think?