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spozeicandothis3612 karma

What odds do you give of the whole thing collapsing once Miscavige dies?

spozeicandothis153 karma

combined with insecurity

spozeicandothis9 karma

Kimchi is the shit, being both prebiotic and probiotic. If you're not keen on the taste by itself, chop it up and add a little to your taco, fried rice or burger. Adds a little spice and crunch without overwhelming. Make sure to get the sliced cabbage kind also - there are many varieties only for the bold eater (or intended for specific cooking applications).

If there's a Korean restaurant near you try the hot stone (dolsot) bibimbap (mixed veg, meat, rice, salad and kimchi with hot sauce plus a fried egg, better than it may sound), plus they will serve you kimchi as a free appetizer.

spozeicandothis3 karma

generalities would suffice

spozeicandothis3 karma

All organisms exist for some purpose in our ecosystem. What do you think the purpose was/is of polio? Should we save a bit just in case? I know some is in storage now.