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stationcommando83 karma

Polar Bears!!!

stationcommando67 karma

Shut up Frank

stationcommando1 karma

Another follow up if you don't mind. How important is your knowledge of theory going into a music education major? I have the equivalent of a shade-tree mechanics knowledge when it comes to theory, as in I've been doing it for 18 years or so and have quite a bit of intuitive familiarity with it but there's definitely huge gaps.

stationcommando1 karma

As a follow up to that, how important is it to have "started" music in a more traditional way? To clarify do you really need to have started off in brass or piano or could a guitarist make it, so to speak, as a high school music teacher? I play various stringed instruments and love teaching and always thought I would like teaching music at the HS level.

stationcommando1 karma

Thank you