Highest Rated Comments

stationtracks24 karma

As a professor at one of the best public universities, how do you see public education evolving with regards to tuition and the job market within the next 5-10 years?

stationtracks10 karma

Come on, dude. Let's not burden this guy with meaningless retorts, someone else can explain what a protein is...

stationtracks2 karma

Hi Mr. Jones! Thank you for doing this AMA!

What advice would you give to someone interested in geology and planetary science in college?

stationtracks2 karma

Mr. Green, I once went on a date with a girl who was your biggest fan. It didn't work out, but she was really into comics, and a year later I find myself extremely immersed in comics.

More importantly, I keep meeting girls that are like her - bookworms, likes comics, watches Sherlock/Doctor Who/etc., and they all keep bringing up your books at some point as some kind of gospel.

  • Do you feel like you've inspired an entire American subculture for the majority of your fans that are young adult girls?

  • How do you think people that read your books will read them differently in their young and late 20s compared to when they first read then in their teens?

stationtracks1 karma
