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stegg886 karma

Everything I play from magic to yugioh in the old days to stuff like Warhammer 40k conquest i always always play control decks or not commonly played decks. Dunno what that says about me but I certainly fit into that playstyle.

Other archetypes. Theme interesting themes. We got a furry friend that plays exclusively animals or humanoid animals in everything.

Burn. Got a friend who likes stalling and burning in everything. I think he enjoys just discarding...

Archetypes of players are certainly there, I think people just enjoy certain play styles. Control decks always feel like a grand master plan coming together flawlessly. I always enjoyed that style. Slowly tightening your grip until your enemy can't do anything...

stegg883 karma

As someone who lived in China for five years...

Your wife can easily find some work teaching Spanish or English. Find a school with good connections and they get no police problems.

Source, taught illegally for five years while doing a PhD.

stegg883 karma

I'm a teacher in Thailand and a huge fan of tabletops and rpg. Do you have any lesson plans or examples you could share?

I think there absolutely could be applications even for students without learning difficulties. Hell, I learned probability so I knew the odds on winning a fight in Warhammer back in the day. I'd love to see how you implemented it. Good work my friend.

stegg882 karma

Ah the good old "speaking to the tavern ruffians" vs "speaking to the King" to teach the difference in speaking styles.

Thanks for this.