Highest Rated Comments

stein26855 karma

Hello! My dad loves to show folks who visit him your picture in his yearbook. Apparently you went to the same high school...Small world, right? Anyway... I bought the Glue Pad Refill Kit and never could quite get it to work the way I needed it to. Maybe I didn't clean it the right way? Maybe I loaded it up the wrong? Can you provide any advice (both for cleaning and usage)?


stein26844 karma

How long did it take you to perfect your laugh? It gets me every time.

stein26828 karma

Tar Heels or Blue Devils?

(please say Tar Heels)

stein2686 karma

AHH!!! One of my favorite flicks of all time...The Sweetest Thing. I quote it regularly.
What was the most awkward scene to film? And what was the most fun?

stein2686 karma

"Chirpety chirpety chirpety chirp" (just came here to say that)