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sunshinerf70 karma

Annyong! If you could pick Annyong's real name what would it be?

sunshinerf10 karma

No questions, I just want to say thank you. Thanks to a woman like you I am going to have a niece or nephew soon. Women like you give people the best gift imaginable and I admire you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you!

sunshinerf9 karma

I wish so much that all Israelis felt like you. In this wave of war it seems like the public is showing their ugliest. I fear for my family not only because of the missiles but more because our country is just going downhill and it looks like no one wants peace anymore, they just want to say that kahana was right...

You are a very brave and wise soldier. Thank you for your service and for this AMA. Kol hakavod!

sunshinerf4 karma

Hi Dan! Hank you for doing this AMA. Speaking of Monsters Inside Me, what do you think is the most horrifying parasite on this planet (other than humans...)?

sunshinerf4 karma

That's the problem when people are narrow minded and watch too much mainstream news. I've seen this happen in Israel to many times but this time it seems to be worse than before. Those who were center now lean to extreme right and being left-wing makes you an outcast and a "traitor". It's ridiculous! They treat people who believe that not all Palestinians are terrorists like they are terrorists themselves. I've never seen this kind of thing so wide-spread in the US, that's one of the reasons I live here.

On a side note, I'd feel much safer hanging out with Palestinian civilians than I ever would in an ultra-orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem. Religious extremists terrify me on either end of the map.