Highest Rated Comments

suz231173 karma

Hi Karyn, I'm excited about the film and helped in the kick-starter campaign. From the clips I've seen your kids did a great job. Do either of them want to be in the tv/film business? Caught the acting bug?

suz23117 karma

Sounds like they are creative! Hope to meet you all at the premier for Little Feet in NYC. Thanks for answering my question.

suz23112 karma

Hi Jennifer. My first AMAA too. Did you ever get to ask your ?’s to Cmdr Hadfield and S Hawking? If so, could you share what you asked and how they answered?

suz23111 karma

Great answer. We love participating with you on Twitter. Enlightening all around and I've made some great friends, thanks to you.

suz23111 karma

Do you enjoy engaging with us on Twitter? Are you glad you joined Twitter? Has it changed you in any way? And Amber wanted me to ask you this: What’s the most important thing we can teach our daughters?