Highest Rated Comments

te-na-cious12 karma

Have you directly or has any developers informed you of your videos indirectly influencing changes in their games?


Have you ever had a run in with any developers of Call of Juarez: The Cartel. CoJ:Gunslinger went for a completely different approach after the cartel.

te-na-cious2 karma

what are your favorite indie games from fellow devs?

te-na-cious1 karma

Firstly, love your work on both Double Dragon Neon and Ducktales Remastered, they are two of the finest retro remakes ive ever played, taking the feel of original while also coating it in love for the source material and then still making something that feels modern and updated ... Fantastic work.

1.) has there ever been a wayforward project that just went tits up, either got cancelled or just was hard work upto completion?

2.) has there ever been a licensed game you guys wanted to make but the license holder declined for whatever reason?

edit: grammar edit 2: also accidentally deleted a question about DDN steam port possibility and info on internships, luckily austin read the question before i deleted that chunk, many thanks :D