Highest Rated Comments

terrapin1234124 karma

Hi Crispin. Will you be back for the sequel to Hot Tub Time Machine?

terrapin12343 karma

Well done on a very accomplished career!

terrapin12341 karma

I always get frustrated at used dealerships because the salespeople seem so non-empowered when it comes to the price, negotiations, and overall knowledge of the vehicles. It's almost a waste of time let alone awkward dealing with them (smalltalk etc). And it's usually the finance people who try to upsell the warranty, undercoating, 3M protection etc.

I mean, if I know what I'm looking for (exact make/model), I presumably know about the car and it's features. It would make more sense for me to come in and request a test drive. And then if I'm interested make an offer directly to the sales manager. Because let's face it, they are the ones who have the final say...and typically get involved in some way or another in all negotiations.

I realize this is not the way it works, but curious on your thoughts.

terrapin12341 karma

Do you think companies like Netflix/Hulu etc that take away cable customers (both cord-cutters and cord-nevers) should be taxed for their basically free use of network infrastructure and transport? Upgrading network gear both on the CMTS and core backbone is very costly as I'm sure you know.

terrapin12341 karma

How do you feel about the 'theory' of Cancer potentially being a fungal related infection? And the reported successful treatments by way of Sodium Bicarbonate therapy. Is this kind of alternative (and others) just generally dismissed in the community?