Highest Rated Comments

thearmlessoctopus39 karma

First off let me say I love the show and your music. I have a few questions if you are not already overcome with too many.

  • How long does it take to get the end product for the show, from start to finish and how long does the studio give you to complete it?
  • Also I am very interested to know what the studio tells you when they request a piece, do they give you any guidelines as what it should sound like or mood it should evoke in the listener?

thearmlessoctopus16 karma

Thank you very much for answering my question, however in doing so you have rustled up my curiosity. You said how Arrested Development is "very unique" in the sense of music and how it doesn't have a formal review process of music, in what other ways is Arrested Development unique? and do you mingle with the cast well or to they tend to kept to themselves and you yours?

thearmlessoctopus1 karma

I'm Irish as well and I was wondering what are the chances of us being the first country to build the first commercial sized Thorium reactor ever? Zero?