Highest Rated Comments

thebenprocter164 karma

Fact, bears eat beets.



Battlestar Gallactica

thebenprocter6 karma

So Blatter is expected to announce he's gonna fun for head of FIFA next month, is there a viable candidate for the job who can challenge him?

thebenprocter3 karma


thebenprocter1 karma

do you take battles on what pays best or what the fans want to see? I've seen Arsonal say that he takes them on money and doesn't battle until he has the money and there are people like Youthoracle from Don't Flop who will battle anyone and I wondered what is the most important for you to take a battle?

Also, what do you think of this matchup that I've been wanting for ages, Bender vs Ness Lee. Thanks for doing this.

thebenprocter1 karma

What sports are you into and if so what are your favourite teams?