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thehoove1841 karma

One kid who was brought along on a school trip (or something) had his name on the collar of his shirt. He was playing a game called Robin Hood, so I asked him, 'David (or whatever his name was), did you hit the apple yet?' He turned around and said 'You remember me!!!' and gave me a big hug. Thing was, I didn't think I'd ever seen the kid before in my life. Apparently, he had been there before and I'd interacted with him, but I didn't remember a damn thing about him.

thehoove1210 karma

We didn't really have any regulars.

thehoove984 karma

Quite a few times. We had a family order eight pizzas and then complain that they weren't ready yet - after FIVE MINUTES.

thehoove969 karma

I've seen that happen to a few people, and I've gotten really close to the skee ball incident. The worst thing that ever happened to me was when glass shattered all over me. I'll post a link to the aftermath...

if I can ever find one. Hang tight.

EDIT: here. http://imgur.com/Qp6b0bl

thehoove907 karma

Oh, we saw a few. Hell, I even had a few coworkers that were like that...