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theory4chaos3 karma

After reading through this AMA, I filled an application for Quality Assurance in Albany, NY and have assured myself (as an individual that plays Call of Duty 14 hours a day) that if Activision by chance does call me and offer me a position, I am NEVER EVER QUITTING OR LOOKING FOR ANOTHER JOB, EVER! Video Game Tester has been my dream job since before conception. That is all.

theory4chaos3 karma

20 pages for $2?

Let's say by chance I have a manuscript written, sitting at approx. 250 pages, in its current draft. If I were to publish it to Amazon KDP as a complete novel, what would be an appropriate asking price? How high can you charge for a novel? $9.99? $15.99? $19.99?

Also, by using KDP, am I limiting my sales only to the percentage of people that actually own a Kindle? As opposed to following the conventional route of printing paperbacks and making it available in bookstores for everyone?

theory4chaos2 karma

Sounds good. =]

theory4chaos1 karma

No kidding, get PAID to sit in a room and do the same thing over and over for an hour only slightly different every time? I do that now for FREE.

There are these things called achievements, and I'm a real sucker for trying to get ALL of them, and many many times that requires doing exactly the above mentioned.

theory4chaos1 karma

I just want to know why - in 2020 with all the ridiculous laws of can and cannots - is Marijuana still even illegal on a Federal level and classified as a Class-I substance?

Something like 90% of Americans have tried or do use cannabis [correct me]. It's less harmful to the human body than consuming alcohols. I'm a grown adult in a freee-ish country, why is some law from some man from some sixty years ago telling ME what I CAN and CANNOT put into MY body? It's absurd.

Correct me.