Highest Rated Comments

therandomguy99881461 karma

Decided to stop by based on this IAMA.

The Truck:


Mentioned how I found out about them, received this:


Food was tasty. If my stomach could Upvote I think it would.

therandomguy9988214 karma

I need to be that guy who shows up last second at a liquidation sale to see what I can get for $100.

therandomguy99885 karma

Name a couple semi-obscure video game series you'd like to make an album about but worried it wouldn't be appreciated.

Also, any thoughts of another series of albums that tells a story like TeacherRapperHero?

therandomguy99883 karma

If a Power Glove was fitted with an Infinity Stone what power do you think you'd have?

therandomguy99882 karma

Ever since CO went weed legal has the stuff you've been smoking gotten a lot better than what you use to get from DGs?