Highest Rated Comments

therealjgreens230 karma

Who do you think is the funniest person on earth (other than yourself)?

therealjgreens166 karma

My sister dated a vietnamese dude for the longest time. Used to love hanging out with him and looked up to him. Sorry for the crappy story.

therealjgreens51 karma

How much ass do you pull being host of attack of the show? I'd imagine you slay mad bitches. Sorry for the super high brow question, just a bit curious.

therealjgreens9 karma

I'm a bit confused as to who Kelvin Jones is. Obviously, he is a musician who has some talent, but how did he explode like this? Great sound, but doesn't really stand out to me. Am I missing something?

Edit: I'm listening to some of his other jams on YouTube and he is pretty damn good.

therealjgreens1 karma

What are your thoughts on the 2 party system? Why do we still use this system?