Highest Rated Comments

thomfountain134 karma

Is there any epilogue since you were over there?

Does the Indian law enforcement or government ever take action against these companies, and if so do they seem to be making any moves against Acostings?

Where's the best place to eat for cheap in Brooklyn?

PS, your podcast is my favorite thing and has been since TL;DR days. Thank you for weekly laughs!

thomfountain112 karma

What's your favorite Jonah insult?

thomfountain26 karma

How closely does your newsroom resemble an actual newsroom in structure (ie editors, 'reporters', copy editors, web producers, etc.)

How many (if any) of your staff have a background in (real) journalism?

thomfountain9 karma

You've worked with a number of drummers both live and in the studio (as well as a few other personnel changes). How would you say that's changed your sound? Is it tough to have to start new with a new member?

Also, No Culture Icons is one of my favorite songs ever written. You guys played it Chicago at that free outdoor show for your encore a couple years ago and it was nuts. Thanks!

thomfountain3 karma

Do you ever fear the Current getting too big or too popular that it would affect your work/message?