Highest Rated Comments

throway90050 karma


throway90050 karma

What would I do with a promo code either you have github with the app or rewritten libraries submitted or you have nothing.

throway9005-2 karma

First of all your application is mostly dependent on other peoples libraries. So if all you do is leech others people work and don't contribute anything then you are scum or you didn't make any real changes.

Secondly you don't need to worry about copying if you use appropriate license, herp derp, http://choosealicense.com/

Thirdly why would you want to make a proprietary application to help disable people? Why would you price is at $30. Do you hate disabled people or just like milking them for sweet sweet cash?

Fourthly I don't use code script kiddies make plus I can get like what %90+ percent of your source-code from the libraries. If I cared I could just reverse engineer it anyway a completely legal and easy thing to do. But I don't because I don't care.

Lastly how can you even compare an OS to an iphone application? But here you can see a lot of software to help disabled people is open source since people care.

Also love how you say please be nice then passively call me a troll or jealous.

How about you be nice and stop being a fucking scum that charges $30 for an application that is %90+ other peoples libraries to help disabled people.

throway9005-6 karma

Which would be the handwriting recognition then, which is pretty much all the program outside the speech function. But really I bet there are library's for both those functions so all that's left is integration and if you didn't do that then you pretty much did nothing.