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tictac1211388 karma

How have you been spending your quarantine? Are you feeling stir crazy like the rest of us? Eat any good food lately?

tictac12113 karma

Hi Walter,

Thanks so much for doing this. I loved Monster and Fallen Angels. Can you tell me a bit about your general writing process and timeline? I'm always curious about the research and drafting that goes into major projects like your books.

tictac12113 karma

Can you give a little insight as to your investigative reporting process? Do you have standard steps you take every time you write a story, or does it differ vastly for different ones?

tictac12113 karma

Also, how does it feel to directly impact events in a field or story you're working on? I've always thought it might actually feel a little strange; as a reporter isn't your primary duty to be a neutral observer and not an agent?

tictac12111 karma

Amazing work--I first heard about it on RadioLab and then read the main story the other day.

What did your schedule and logistics look like while working on this? How much time did you spend? What was your process?