Highest Rated Comments

timeonmyhandz19 karma

How at risk is your task because of AI?

I can imagine that data collection and visualization followed by some level of interpretive writing would be pretty easy to implement.

timeonmyhandz14 karma

Sounds like a better vibrator than a toothbrush...

timeonmyhandz4 karma

Is Chicago on the schedule for this year?

timeonmyhandz3 karma

I think your comment is misguided. I asked the question of someone who can or could be impacted by the AI topic specifically to understand if the impact is real or imagined.

Even as early as Sesame Street videos we are taught to ask questions in order to learn. Maybe you show go back and see if Grover can help you with your attitude.

timeonmyhandz2 karma

My wife has ocular melanoma.. luckily caught early and Mets has no occurred…

It seems that treatment is so limited.. many going straight to brachytherapy.. my wife had proton beam since her tumor was smallish…

Do you think there is enough visibility of this disease? The providers of treatment are quite limited.