tlfxe6 karma1/11/2018, 5:35:26 PM
Hey Gnarlington, long time fan. First, any artists you want on the label?
Second, do you favorite a specific genre or do you like all genres?
Favorite song(s)?
Lastly, why are you not on the Discord server?
It’s been a journey for the label and I know it won’t be over anytime soon, can’t wait for what’s to come :)
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tlfxe6 karma
Hey Gnarlington, long time fan. First, any artists you want on the label?
Second, do you favorite a specific genre or do you like all genres?
Favorite song(s)?
Lastly, why are you not on the Discord server?
It’s been a journey for the label and I know it won’t be over anytime soon, can’t wait for what’s to come :)
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