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tumblrmustbedown270 karma

If you see him again, tell him the entire based nation is thanking him daily for our good fortunes.

tumblrmustbedown16 karma

It is possible that you’re experiencing medication overuse headaches. The use of simple analgesics over half of the month for three+ months can precipitate them, in a confusing paradox where your brain can become over-sensitized to headaches due to the overuse of pain medication. It’s just advice from an internet stranger but I’d suggest seeing a neurologist or a headache specialist (assuming the doctor you’re talking about is an internist).

tumblrmustbedown10 karma

The music in Breaking Bad was one of my absolute favorite things about the show. It always fit, no matter what. "The special love I had for you, my baby blue"... flawless ending. Thank you.

tumblrmustbedown7 karma

Just to say, my father loved/loves Max Payne 1 more than any video game in his entire life. I've seen him play more of that game and even myself I will remember specific scenes (the dream scenes with the crying baby always sticks out) forever. It was fantastic to watch and I'm sure he would absolutely like me to tell you thank you!

tumblrmustbedown7 karma

Hi Shawn! I love following your little family on Instagram - I hope that’s not weird to say haha. Do you and Andrew have any guilty pleasures TV shows? Anything you’re binging right now during quarantine?