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tunernewb9237 karma

No real question. Just thank you for not calling it "global warming".

tunernewb925 karma

I got a dual degree where one part is environmental engineering. I cringe when people use the term "global warming".

tunernewb923 karma

ND pays extremely well. I'm a cementing engineer though, so I get to sit in the truck during crappy weather and watch the computer.

The town is a crap hole some days, but wall papering your house with little portraits of Benjamin Franklin makes it look a little better.

Its not as bad up here as they act like.

tunernewb922 karma

Oilfield engineer in ND here. Williston is a town of 40k and still growing. This is currently the largest "oil city" that I know of in the area. Working here means you are drilling into the Bakken Oil Field which has approx 9 billion barrels of oil. Yes this town is a shit hole, yes you will be paid well, and yes there is an amount of money they can pay you to be miserable some days it turns out.

Currently the unemployment rate is less than 1%

DO NOT come to ND during the winter looking for a job. The rent is about $2000 USD a month in a shit hole and you will freeze to death in your car (yes it has happened).

Look for positions open under Schlumberger, Halliburton, Cactus, etc etc as a "roughneck" if you have no college experience. Look for jobs in the office or field engineer if you do have college.

tunernewb922 karma

Whats up? Might not see this but I work out in the Bakken as a Cement Engineer for a company that likes the color blue. Haven't hit the bitter cold yet but I've heard it can get to -40 at night. For anybody that is curious about working in the Bakken there is a show on History channel tonight at 9:00 EST (Larry the Cable Guys show) that will let you see some of the conditions and the town (Williston).

Anyway saw you talking about blowouts. I have pictures of Big Red out cementing on a site in Midland and had a pressure problem while cementing and blew the head off of the well a good 120ft up and crushed one of their trucks. I'll try to find the pictures.

Oil work isn't for everybody. It is dangerous. But the money is excellent and in this economy hard to turn down.

Anyway, who do you work for out there if you can call them by name? Also who is your favorite service company?