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twosupras306 karma

True, but I’d rather be pissed and get a HTTP 500 than catfished along thinking my traffic was protected.

twosupras50 karma

Is this a whole “you can’t fire me...I quit!”?

“You can’t investigate or use our stuff..we’ll shut everything down!”

Couldn’t they just demand you to...you know...turn it back on?

twosupras28 karma

The order of operations here seems....off.

twosupras16 karma

I thought the same thing. By the title, I thought OP was a quarantine snitch.

twosupras5 karma

Agreed. Google lives and dies by people browsing the web and serving them ads. They’re always going to be leading the way in browsers.

Good for MS cutting their losses, leveraging Chromium, and focusing on something that will drive OS sales for them.