vashtiii407 karma12/10/2015, 3:31:39 PM
Where do you get your ties?
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vashtiii200 karma5/25/2013, 7:35:59 PM
Another question: as a badass cleaner, do you have any hints and tips to help us clean up our homes?
vashtiii76 karma5/25/2013, 7:32:56 PM
Have you ever been injured or contaminated? Also, is there anything you would refuse to clean up?
vashtiii64 karma5/25/2013, 7:53:44 PM
oh GOD
That sounds vile, man, really terrible. I can't even imagine.
vashtiii41 karma6/23/2013, 9:55:47 PM
/r/trees are the NSA?
vashtiii407 karma
Where do you get your ties?
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