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verybadwolf9 karma

Id like to know what you think about the latest NSA illegal wireless tapping, the storage of meta data and how it all ties in with skype talk sessions that are stored and given to Government Agencies.

verybadwolf2 karma

It is common knowledge that all media organizations are owned and regulated by a very select few (5 in total) corporations. Clearly this creates a conflict of interest and boas, How does this make you feel as a professional in the industry? Is it safe to say we no longer have free press?

verybadwolf2 karma

What do you think about the Obama administrations out right attack on journalism? Just this past year we have seen 4 major issues with the current administration over stepping boundaries when dealing with journalists.

verybadwolf1 karma

Are you required to cater your articles to suite the needs of corporate and government lobbyists?

verybadwolf1 karma

Is there any discusion about getting some of this technology? This seems like a more effective approach than Zmapp.... http://www.nature.com/news/artificial-spleen-cleans-up-blood-1.15917